Hey guys! As many of you know, the county talent show (Share-the-Fun) was on Friday, March 25th (Wow, look at how late I am lol) Everyone who participated received a blue ribbon, and there were some amazing acts there! It was a whole lot of fun.
For whoever wants to go to District, it is on Saturday, April 30th. It is at Texas A&M Commerce in the afternoon.
Note, If you also made it to District in Educational presentations, you have to pick between Share-the-Fun, and that.
Good job to all who participated!
P.S. The picture is of 'My 4-H is Better than Your 4-H' preformed by Amanda Roach (ME!) and Katie Womble.
P.P.S. I would love to get more pictures on here, so if you have any from this contest, please send them to me!