Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Four Leaf Clover, Batman!  It's a's a's the SPRING FLING!

For everyone wanting to be a part of a 'Super' fun social event this weekend, have I got a night for you!  Our annual Spring Fling is this Friday night!
Bat-Time: 7-9 PM
Bat-Channel: The Downtown Extension Office, 5th floor

Bring your capes, masks, and armor, but leave the Kryptonite at home!
There will be a dessert contest (The more creative the better; think Thor's Hammer cake pops or Incredible Edible Hulk cupcakes!) and a costume contest, so be sure to dress up!

Bring friends and a snack to share and it's sure to be an 'Incredible', 'Amazing', and 'Super' night!

Bam, Pow, Kablam,

Monday, April 6, 2015

4th H for Health - Yummy Snacks!

Is your club participating in 4th H for Health?  I sure hope so!  4th H for Health is a fantastic challenge spreading in Tarrant County right now!  It encourages our 4-H youth (And adults!) to Drink Right, Move More, and Snack Smart!
It's an easy challenge that can be completed in as few as 8 meetings! (Club Meetings, Project Meetings, County Council meetings, etc.)
Here's a link to information about the project as well as a Health Tracker:
As soon as you check off all 16 requirements, turn your form in to the County Office!  Everyone who completes the challenge will get a cool prize!

For now, here's some delicious (And nutritious!) snack ideas that you can start offering at club meetings to get your club a head start!

-Chocolate Covered Strawberries
-Orange Slices
-Ants on a Log
-Frozen Grapes
-Cucumber Slices
-Frozen Yogurt
-Fruit Smoothies
-Detox/Fruit Infused Water
-Apple Slices
-Cheese Cubes
-Deviled Eggs
-Banana Bread

And there's tons more you could make!  Be sure to have your club stay active at least 15 minutes each meeting, as well, to complete the challenge as quickly as possible.

So what are you waiting for?  Get out there and GET HEALTHY!


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Fun Project for Clover Kids!

Do your meetings have a bunch of Clover Kids that tend to get a bit bored as the business part of the meeting goes on?  Then I have the project for you!
This is a super easy project I found on Pinterest that would be great to keep Clovers occupied during a meeting!

Green Construction Paper
Markers, glitter, buttons, etc. (Optional)

1. Cut green pieces of paper into 1"x11" strips.  You will need five per project.
2. Fold pieces in half (You should now have a 1"x5 1/2" folded over piece.) and crease well.
3. Bend the two ends around to make a heart (Hard to explain, but looking at the picture should help) and staple it together.
4. Repeat step 3 four times.
5. Begin stapling your hearts together to make a clover, but leave the bottom two unattached from each other (Again, the picture helps)
6. Create your stem by taking your last strip of paper, and folding each end over by 5 inches, crease well (So you will see three "Sections" on your strip - 5", 1", 5")
7. Staple the stem between the bottom two leaves.

And there you have it!  A super fun project your kids will all enjoy!
If you find your meeting takes longer than these take to make, you can have the kids decorate the strips with their name, their favorite 4-H projects, or anything else they'd like!
This project is awesome because it teaches kids to measure things out, scissor safety, and to use a stapler!  (Be sure to help the young ones, though!)

Have a great week!