Hello, Walkers, Joggers, Dancers, Boxers, Bikers, Skaters, Skippers, and all others!

And remember, it only takes about 30 minutes of activity 5 times a week to achieve the goal! And you don't even have to just walk!
For example, today I walked my dog (2.5 Miles) and played 30 Minutes of the Just Dance Wii Game (3.65 Miles), for a total of 6.15 Miles today. If I continue this routine every day this week, by Sunday I could send to my Team Captain (Me!) that I had 'Walked' 43.05 miles for Week One. If I did that every week of the challenge, by the end I would have a whopping 344.4 Miles! Almost half the distance across Texas!
Your challenge this week is to be active in some way at least 30 minutes a day. This could include Walking, Jogging, Biking, Boxing/Karate, Gardening, Sports, playing active Video Games (Such as Just Dance or sports games), taking a Zumba class, or anything else that makes you sweat!
And remember, if your 4-H club wasn't able to begin with us on Monday, don't worry about it! Start at any time, just be sure to shoot me an e-mail with the names of those participating and your start date. I'll check back in with your team each week of the challenge to see how y'all are doing!
So what are you waiting for? Go get some miles in!