The Educational Presentations contest provides an opportunity for youth to select a topic of interest, research, and prepare an educational presentation. Topics may relate to projects, hobbies, or special interests. Each presentation is usually 5-12 minutes in length and may include posters, slides, or visual props. Youth may choose to demonstrate “how to” or they may choose to present information using other visuals or props. Presentations may be made by individuals or age-division teams. This is an excellent opportunity for youth to practice their public speaking skills in a supportive, non-threatening environment.
One category of the Educational Presentations event is the Public Speaking category. This category is composed of individuals who present speeches up to 7 minutes in length, without the use of props.
In order to accommodate busy schedules, youth may select one of three presentation options.
Presentation options include:
1. January 25 (Tuesday), at 2:00 pm at the Extension office
2. January 25 (Tuesday), at 7:00 pm at the Extension office
3. January 19, a DVD of presentation due to 4-H Department (note earlier due date)
In order to accommodate scheduling, entry forms are due to the 4-H office by January 11.
Entry forms are available on the website and may be submitted by email ( or by fax (817-884-1941).