Monday, October 26, 2015

County Council Costume Extravaganza TONIGHT!!!

Hello, my lovely 4-Her's!

Tonight, the County Council officers would like to invite you to our October County Council Meeting!  This is a great meeting to invite friends to, because it is one of our most fun meetings of the fall!  Join us for costumed fun, games, an awesome presentation by one of our 4-H members, and more!
We invite everyone to wear a costume of any sort - homemade, store-bought, bed sheet, or otherwise!  Please nothing scary, inappropriate, or evil!!!  I will have a prize for anyone that shows up in a awesome costume!!!
Our meeting begins at 6:30 at the 5th floor of the Extension Building in Downtown Fort Worth.  I hope to see you there!

~Amanda :)
2015-2016 County Council President